Michael Jordan takes a stand to end Divisiveness

I give Jordan a lot of credit. Other than the deliberate divisiveness behind the "black lives matter" movement, there are a lot of people who understand that while there are problems, the BLM movement is a political tool to stir up the masses in an election season. For certain there are some police issues that must be dealt with, as there are issues with resisting arrest. Jordan, as the most prominent athlete of his era, is taking a big step forward to try to be an agent of bridging the vast divide. Apolitical for his adult life, it is nice to see him take a stand on an important social cause
Actually this should not even be considered a political issue as all people SHOULD be on the same side. Reasonable people should be against police mistreating anyone and anyone attacking police. Unfortunately divisive people make it into a political issues by making it a two sided issue.
Actually this should not even be considered a political issue as all people SHOULD be on the same side. Reasonable people should be against police mistreating anyone and anyone attacking police. Unfortunately divisive people make it into a political issues by making it a two sided issue.

There is no question about that, but it has been politicized in the worst way. The DNC missed an enormous opportunity to repair the divide this week, but instead marched out the mothers of those killed in confrontations with the police. Could they have also brought out the mothers of police officers ambushed and murdered? Just like the script they chose in secret emails to discredit Sanders and promote Hillary, the narrative they chose was designed to play to their base. It's sad, and disgusting, actually. The only narratives that belong in politics in this matter is that all violent criminals will be brought to justice, whether it be police abusing the power entrusted to them by using unnecessary deadly force, or those who would attempt to injure or murder police. Crime is crime, period and should be devoid of racial of ethnic bias.
Actually this should not even be considered a political issue as all people SHOULD be on the same side. Reasonable people should be against police mistreating anyone and anyone attacking police. Unfortunately divisive people make it into a political issues by making it a two sided issue.

There is no question about that, but it has been politicized in the worst way. The DNC missed an enormous opportunity to repair the divide this week, but instead marched out the mothers of those killed in confrontations with the police. Could they have also brought out the mothers of police officers ambushed and murdered? Just like the script they chose in secret emails to discredit Sanders and promote Hillary, the narrative they chose was designed to play to their base. It's sad, and disgusting, actually. The only narratives that belong in politics in this matter is that all violent criminals will be brought to justice, whether it be police abusing the power entrusted to them by using unnecessary deadly force, or those who would attempt to injure or murder police. Crime is crime, period and should be devoid of racial of ethnic bias.

"Could they have also brought out the mothers of police officers ambushed and murdered?"

No, because they don't see them as potential Democratic voters so they don't care about them. Look, both parties are as broken and corrupt as could possibly be. Trump is running as a Republican but the lack of support from the Republican establishment speaks volumes; I truly believe many of them would rather see Hillary elected because then it is Washington business as usual and let the stealing of money and usurpation of power begin (or continue)!!! Maybe I have become over the top cynical but I think anyone who thinks our problems will be solved by the current ruling class is just kidding themselves. I will end on this note; never mind the police wives (which is a very valid point and thought) but why didn't the Democrats present the families of the people they abandoned and left to die in Benghazi? Answer, because they didn't care about them either. And believe me, I acknowledge the same type of ranting can be applied to Republican administrations as well, both parties have abandoned or subverted American principles. Enough of being pawns to a ruling elite few; that IS NOT what this country is supposed to be about. Maybe a pipedream I know, but at almost 66 years old it is scary to me what is happening in this country.