Men Threatened By Powerful Women


This is actually a great topic. Many women trying to fight their way up the corporate ladder think that they have to act masculine in order to survive and thrive. Being powerful does not mean speaking loudly or brashly, nor exercising your dominion over subordinates. While some men fail to recognize this, when women step out of character and try to assume a distasteful management style, it is even more distasteful. After all, when men act that way they are simply being dumb men being poor managers. When women act that way, they are dumb women being poor managers while trying to act like men.

The most successful female executives I have encountered can command respect of subordinates and superiors by being competent, communicating well, and the the same time be compassionate leaders who treat all they enoucnter with respect. Some of these positve attributes are gender neutral while other, like a maternal instinct can be used as tremendous character traits to build fantastic teams.