in the mid 1960's i had season tickets to st. johns games while I was on the Hillcrest campus . i met up with a group of guys from CBA who were die hard SJU fans and we traveled to many away games , including trips to DC , Boston Providence , blacksburg Va and College park Maryland . We also traveled down to philly to see us play Villanova and St. Joes. it was the years that Sonny Dove was on the team and one of the guys ( Bill Davidson ) often let a pigeon loose during the games and we would yell ' the Dove flies high " . Well we traveled down to philly for this game against St Joes and davidson brought a dead pigeon and and a live pigeon with him . As we were going through the turnstile at the Palestra , the bag with the dead pigeon fell to the ground and davidson casually pushed it ahead with his foot and picked it up inside the gate . we went to our seats and waited for the opportune time . When a time out was called davidson got up and threw the dead pigeon on the court and we all yelled out " The hawk is dead " and then he let the live pigeon loose and as it flew over the court we yelled " but the dove flies high " Those were great times and solidified my love for St. Johns basketball .