Marquette game meetup


Well-known member
2023 $upporter 2022 $upporter
our 114 crew hasn't planned it out yet but we are going to try and meet up next Saturday for the game. Probably won't figure out exact place till I get back from work meetings but most likely between Westbury and garden city and open to ideas ( Novita not good for watching a game ).

Whoever has an interest text me or message me or post here
our 114 crew hasn't planned it out yet but we are going to try and meet up next Saturday for the game. Probably won't figure out exact place till I get back from work meetings but most likely between Westbury and garden city and open to ideas ( Novita not good for watching a game ).

Whoever has an interest text me or message me or post here
I should be good to go.
our 114 crew hasn't planned it out yet but we are going to try and meet up next Saturday for the game. Probably won't figure out exact place till I get back from work meetings but most likely between Westbury and garden city and open to ideas ( Novita not good for watching a game ).

Whoever has an interest text me or message me or post here
Great meeting the 114 crew today on such a special day!
Awesome meeting you and holy cow what a fan you are with that commute to games not just now but when you lived on Long Island !
Keeps the wife happy haha! Send todays photo if you can and i forget names easily, would like to remember all the guys i met today!