That was baseball was baseball.That was the time when all the best athletes played baseball.The pro game was practically non existant in basketball and football,college ball was bigger. You were able to see double headers in pro basketball.Yankees were yankees untill almost retirement.You were able to sit in the grandstand for a$1.25 and have better seat then you can buy now.Baseball games were played in less than 2 hours. I could go on and on.All I could say is after being an avid fan as a kid,I can't watch a game anymore that takes over 4 hours to play and it is not the commercials. It is the players who get out of the box after each pitch.The kids who are playing litle league are doing the same thing so the 4 to 5 hour games are in the future.Dimaggio and Williams never got out of the Box unless they were thrown at and that wasn't to offen,because they had to much pride to let the picher get the best of them.I wish that you guys could have seen Dimaggio and Williams ,then you would have seen the real thing.