Lamont Hamilton doing well


Staff member
First off, thank you to panther2 (whose birthday is this week - Happy Birthday!) We are hoping to get some additional player/alum updates this summer but first installment is Lamont Hamilton.

Lamont is doing well, He just finished his 11th year playing overseas and hopes to play 4 more. He lives in North Carolina with his wife and three sons.

Very cool! I was recently in Penn Station with my St. John's shirt (still Large not yet back to Medium) at the Duane Read in the LIRR concourse and as I was checking out a really tall cashier guy said he used to play on the team. I was embarrassed I didn't know who he was so I gave a response similar to "Oh, very cool...well go Johnnies!" haha.
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Just to elaborate Lamont is playing in the top league in Japan and averaged 13.3/5.6. Team finished just out of the playoff hunt and was led by Devante Gardner who averaged 28.7/9.9.
[quote="JackofVirginia" post=288059]Met Panther 2 in Orlando, real nice guy. Happy Birthday![/quote]

Sterling N is THE MAN! Ubiquitous at St. John's functions. Happy birthday!
Really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and spend time with Paul Massell Jr. He is a very nice and engaging young man. We had an opportunity to speak about St. Johns basketball,, and many other things.

Thanks again Paul for, it gives and old man like me something to look forward to every day. Will be 70 years old tomorrow and am feeling Blessed for the life that I have been able to live. Here's to a successful 18-19 season and Peace on LOL.
[quote="panther2" post=288111]Really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and spend time with Paul Massell Jr. He is a very nice and engaging young man. We had an opportunity to speak about St. Johns basketball,, and many other things.

Thanks again Paul for, it gives and old man like me something to look forward to every day. Will be 70 years old tomorrow and am feeling Blessed for the life that I have been able to live. Here's to a successful 18-19 season and Peace on LOL.[/quote]

Happy Birthday and thanks for this great update!
Mike Zaun wrote: I think there's a better shot at peace with North Korea than on here

As the old church song goes, "let there be peace on earth ( and let it begin with me" :)
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Here you get the appearance of war but actual peace. With North Korea you get the appearance of peace after a lot of bluster which will be useful cover when real belligerence and provocation toward Iran jacks oil prices which serves Putin.
Sterling is a popular guy!