Not sure, but I thought they were financially challenged. It's an interesting bet if this draws fans on Long Island to see them play at Coliseum and future enrollment.
Given that some colleges are cutting/eliminating programs due to the financial impact of Covid-19, sort of surprised to see a school add a program (at this time)
LIU last week fired 51 members of Local 153, which includes secretaries, library and mail clerks and audiovisual technicians, and extended “temporary” furloughs for another 33 members, according to John Edmonds, assistant business manager for the union.
LIU received more than $7 million in federal funds meant to prop up colleges and support students through the pandemic, while Hofstra received $6.2 million, NYIT got $4.3 million and Adelphi got $5.2 million, records show. The bill requires universities to spend half its funding for emergency financial aid and grants to students.
The layoffs include 40 employees at LIU Post in Brookville and 44 at the Brooklyn campus, union officials said.