Talking about memories i was fortunate to attend a high school where the Monsignor was a chaplain for the 69th Regiment Armory. Well, lo and behold, my first practice was held at the armory As I walked in for first time the N.Y.Knicks were practicing. Dick McGuire walks in late smoking a cigarette. Braun is challenging Jack Turner for a steak dinner at Sardis. to see who could hit the most jump shots.
Then at an afternoon practice I watched a baseball clinic with Bauer, Woodling (Yankees) Sal Years (Giants), Gene Hermanski (Dodgers).
My high school team also played before a Knick game. Will never forget seeing Wilt Chamerlain.walking from the locker room or even Woody Sauldsberry throwing his sweat shirt at the coach, Neil Johnston, after he was taken out of the game. BTW, Johnston did not respond -couldn't believe it. You know what - I feel blessed for my life.