Jayson Williams Arrested Again

While the first impulse is to feel sorry for Jayson, every day (and mostly every night), thousands of drivers take to our roads while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, armed with 3-5,000 pounds of flying weapon. Just last month, a close friend of one of my best friends (who I had known casually) was killed on his way to work early one morning when a drunk driver destroyed this guy's like and family forever. In my community a family lost 3 small children 8 or 9 years ago when a drunk and high family member drove the wrong way on the Taconic, killing herself the children, and two passengers on the car she hit head on.

We don't take drunk driving as seriously as we should. But for the grace of God, a driver impaired by drugs or alcohol who arrives at his destination without incident, is as guilty as the driver who seriously injured or killed an innocent victim.

If he isn't already safely sleeping in his own bed, Jayson will be shortly. The decision to have the first, second, or third drink when you have to drive is made without regard to those who may pay dearly for that action. And that decision, which many of us have made, is as criminal as the one made with 8 or 9 drinks in you, except the decision for the first drink was made with clear mind.
I don't think anyone feels sorry for Jayson because he got caught or he forgot he wasn't supposed to drive drunk. But he obviously has a mental or psychological issue that he is unable to adequately control. I believe he was diagnosed as bipolar some years ago and it would appear that he is unable to address it sufficiently to stop putting himself in situations where he is a danger to himself land others. If folks want to feel sad about that I'm fine with it.
Alcoholism is a chronic, relapsing, progressive illness that requires sustained treatment.

Or plenty of ice.

its really sad that this is happening to him ...i wish there was a way he can be around the team there was a rumor that him or charles oakley was gonna join but zendon took over that spot ..... i hope he gets better and stop getting into trouble
Many people respond harshly when they hear or read about a person getting busted for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. While driving impaired is intolerable how many people think nothing of it when they use their cell phones while driving. I think that is as big a menace to other drivers.
F Jayson.

But for the grace of God, there go I. I really like the guy, his humor, his New Yorkness, and his generosity to his own charities and to his friends. His book was the funniest I have ever read along with both sons and both male g'children. He is a wonderful human being and a loyal friend to all he knows.
I hope he toughens up his resistance to certain excesses as a result of this occurrence.for the sake of his family.
I don't mind adding that prayers for him, from all of us, are in order..
But for the grace of God, there go I. I really like the guy, his humor, his New Yorkness, and his generosity to his own charities and to his friends. His book was the funniest I have ever read along with both sons and both male g'children. He is a wonderful human being and a loyal friend to all he knows.
I hope he toughens up his resistance to certain excesses as a result of this occurrence.for the sake of his family.
I don't mind adding that prayers for him, from all of us, are in order..

His selfish and reckless behavior resulted in the death of another person. If that wasn't enough to straighten out this poor excuse for a human being, nothing will. And by the way, OJ was a great guy also. Charming, funny, generous, loyal to his friends, etc. he was a great guy right up until he decapitated 2 people, including the mother of his children. If you are going to add prayers for anyone, it should be for the people they killed.
But for the grace of God, there go I. I really like the guy, his humor, his New Yorkness, and his generosity to his own charities and to his friends. His book was the funniest I have ever read along with both sons and both male g'children. He is a wonderful human being and a loyal friend to all he knows.
I hope he toughens up his resistance to certain excesses as a result of this occurrence.for the sake of his family.
I don't mind adding that prayers for him, from all of us, are in order..

His selfish and reckless behavior resulted in the death of another person. If that wasn't enough to straighten out this poor excuse for a human being, nothing will. And by the way, OJ was a great guy also. Charming, funny, generous, loyal to his friends, etc. he was a great guy right up until he decapitated 2 people, including the mother of his children. If you are going to add prayers for anyone, it should be for the people they killed.

I just watched the first episode. Now you've spoiled the ending.
OJ has CTE.

So did Kenny Stabler, and to the best of my knowledge his dozen or so ex-wives all still all have their heads attached.