time to recruit new york kids. st johns was built on new york kids from the playgrounds. Now they come from all over the country and from other countries and they have no heart. I would rather have a third rate player from a new york high school then some of these hot shot kids we get who dont have what it takes.
Really? That's the problem?
Do you think kids from Texas, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania are any less "tough" than NY kids? Our kids might not have performed well, our coaches may not have coached well... that's all debatable, but I am reasonably sure that the reason they lost isn't because they're from other parts of the country.
Do you know how I know this? Because the "tough" teams, like Villanova, Michigan, Ohio State, and Florida are loaded with players from those states, and have few if any NYers.
I'm a big fan of getting the local "stud", because I think it gets the average NYer interested in St Johns when a Lance, Kyle, or even Moe goes to the hometown team. But north, south, east, or west.. good basketball is good basketball, and you can find tough guys in cornfields and finesse players in schoolyards. That is one thing I certainly don't fault Lavin for - looking outside the northeast for players.