Hello my name is MJMAHERJR. It's been 6 days since my last drink. Ooops wrong forum. Ok some will remember me formerly as mjmaherjr. The only difference is now I have a bigger ego and sometimes use all Large Caps. 
Anyway joined redmen.com originally maybe in 2000 or 01. Had been following it before that as a lurker. The site was the best thing that ever happened to SJU basketball especially during the Jarvis/Norm years because misery loves company.
Anyway am also a survivor or the Religion&Politics forum ( God I loved that Forum ) no pun intended.
Ok back to me. Graduated SJU in 92 from CBA ( now Tobin ). At least I think it was called CBA it might have been called Gantry's I don't remember. Been a fan since 87. 1st Game ever went to I saw SJU play I think Providence and saw Shelton Jones score I think 31 points which might have been his number. Of course I might have been a little dizzy and have my numbers mixed up due to the lack of air conditioning.
Anyway joined redmen.com originally maybe in 2000 or 01. Had been following it before that as a lurker. The site was the best thing that ever happened to SJU basketball especially during the Jarvis/Norm years because misery loves company.
Anyway am also a survivor or the Religion&Politics forum ( God I loved that Forum ) no pun intended.
Ok back to me. Graduated SJU in 92 from CBA ( now Tobin ). At least I think it was called CBA it might have been called Gantry's I don't remember. Been a fan since 87. 1st Game ever went to I saw SJU play I think Providence and saw Shelton Jones score I think 31 points which might have been his number. Of course I might have been a little dizzy and have my numbers mixed up due to the lack of air conditioning.