Incredible NYT Article on NCAA & Diallo/Yakwe


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Nocera is a highly credible & fair writer in my opinion.

@JayBilas: NYT's Joe Nocera on NCAA's questionable actions, and self-absolution: What a colossal mess...again. Shameful.


I wonder if there is still hope for LoVett for this season
Could there be "new information" available to help his cause?
$200 extra benefit is probably just a pair of sneakers for Christ sake! Can't the NCAA make an exception for people coming from countries who can't afford the high-priced athletic foot-ware they need to compete?
It's called an 'incidental', we all know that, c'mon!
the link below is to the 2013 NCAA's "not for profit" tax return which showed total revenue of $906 Million Dollars and a net profit of $7.7 Million Dollars. They also show assets of $928 Million Dollars.

Mark Emmert, President, received total compensation of $1.8 Million
and James Isch, COO, received a salary in excess of a Million Dollars.

The NCAA is even larger than Devlin MacGregor, and they're a monster. :eek:hmy:

I wonder if there is still hope for LoVett for this season
Could there be "new information" available to help his cause?

Apparently staff is hopeful according to Zach B tweets.

I know you'll follow up when you can on Mr. LoVett - when you can - how sweet that ( his eligibility) would be! Good for Self even if part of his motives were "self-directed"...
Thanks Mr. P
exciting times no matter what...perspective...
Nocera is a highly credible & fair writer in my opinion.

@JayBilas: NYT's Joe Nocera on NCAA's questionable actions, and self-absolution: What a colossal mess...again. Shameful.


"St. John’s kept Orr relatively muzzled during the Yakwe investigation, even though Joe Oliva, the athletic director, and Chris Mullin, the program’s famous new basketball coach, were fuming at the N.C.A.A.’s tactics. But Kansas made the decision to unleash Self"

While I'm encouraged to hear that we had retained legal counsel on the Yakwe appeal, I would respectfully submit that this outcome was primarily the result of Kansas' and Self's going public. Self serving (no pun) on Self's part? Of course, but if that's what it takes, that's how the battle must be waged.

Somehow, high profile coaches and ADs without a case pending need to step up and speak out against this ridiculous behavior on the part of the NCAA. Yes, that would take courage but isn't that what we are trying to teach these student athletes?