Hey “EliteBaller K”, “Ron”, NCJohnnie”, “JohnnyFan” and everyone else

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Staff member
2022 $upporter Moderator
Hey “EliteBaller K”,“Ron”, NCJohnnie”, “JohnnyFan” and everyone else reading this post:

What part of political type posts are not allowed on Redmen.com don’t you understand ?

I ask the simple question because yet again a basketball thread was locked because the basketball discussion ventured into political type name calling.

There are few Rules on the site that the owner of the site insists on but posters repeatedly disrespect him by violating that simple Rule against political discussion.

If you want to discuss politics, the merits of the current President, the President elect, the Governor of NY, etc then go to another site and post away.

Does anyone who has posted their political opinions on any website really believe that they have ever changed the opinions of others reading their opinion?

In the past I have been slow to vote to demote or suspend posters but given the the disrespect shown to this site’s owner I am now inclined to advocate suspension, banning s and demotions.

If you believe the Rules of Redmen.com are unreasonable then please consider exclusively posting of the new St. John’s website at the below link.

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