Well-known member
Realize that many have already contributed to The Red Cross and other charitable organizations to help those affected by Sandy.
That said, was wondering what you think of St. John's requesting that students and alumni contribute a minimum of $5 to a special fund to help those affected particularly in Queens, Brooklyn and S.I. where the university has very strong roots.
It's the Vincentian mission in action and these are our friends, family and fellow members, in some way, shape or for, of the St. John's family.
Would think the technology to do it on-line exists already (just need to customize "The We Need A Dollar" app)
Am I tilting at windmills ??????
That said, was wondering what you think of St. John's requesting that students and alumni contribute a minimum of $5 to a special fund to help those affected particularly in Queens, Brooklyn and S.I. where the university has very strong roots.
It's the Vincentian mission in action and these are our friends, family and fellow members, in some way, shape or for, of the St. John's family.
Would think the technology to do it on-line exists already (just need to customize "The We Need A Dollar" app)
Am I tilting at windmills ??????