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Fellow Johnnies,

We've seen the changes and improvements to our site, but most of us have not considered the costs behind the development and maintenance of, which runs to a few thousand dollars.

I asked Paul Massell if I could help defray some of the costs. He was happy to provide the following link:

Hopefully, Paul will put a HELP REDMEN.COM button at the top of the site to make it easier for those looking to help financially and enable the site to improve. It also gives us the opportunity to say thanks to Paul, et al.
Well said. Anyone who uses this site regularly should try and make a donation no matter what the amount. The cost and the time Paul has put in to giving us this site over the years can’t even be calculated
I've been working on that @austour# The issue is that the developer of the software that runs the forum has their own timetable. I made a big push to convert from the old forum because it was so dated that the software was a security problem. When it gets that old it is not only defacing or otherwise compromising your own website/server but allowing spammers and other bad guys, to exploit software to take control of a server they can do all sorts of stuff. But instead of this latest and greatest software solving problems it has created a lot. So I only have so much time and resources. I have explored other options and the best one I have right now is looking like $3-5,000 to do another conversion not counting my time and efforts.
I've been working on that @austour# The issue is that the developer of the software that runs the forum has their own timetable. I made a big push to convert from the old forum because it was so dated that the software was a security problem. When it gets that old it is not only defacing or otherwise compromising your own website/server but allowing spammers and other bad guys, to exploit software to take control of a server they can do all sorts of stuff. But instead of this latest and greatest software solving problems it has created a lot. So I only have so much time and resources. I have explored other options and the best one I have right now is looking like $3-5,000 to do another conversion not counting my time and efforts.

I happen to like the new format but hopefully your developer can work out any remaining kinks. Speaking of kinks, on Johnny Jungle, apparently very outdated, you can now marry Russian brides and exchange rubles for bitcoin.;)
Knight - Thank you for letting us know. There used to be a button for donations when I first started posting actively.
It is a great site, the update will do the job, particularly as we use it and get used to it. Thanks Paul, for giving us this forum.
I continue to work on updates and improvements. To clarify this donorbox thing, my son (also named Paul for some reason) set it up and it gets processed through Stripe. Neither he nor I, or, ever receive any of your credit card information. It is all handled via Stripe.

Apparently there was some kind of problem and he refunded payments to multiple people. So he is handling that and contacted a few of you, but if you need to contact me about email:

You could also use that email address for Paypal if for any reason you didn't want to use donorbox or just love Paypal...

The site does seem to be more responsive today.