Has Anyone Else Noticed This..


Well-known member
 OK, maybe I am making a bigger deal out of this than I need to. The ZagsBlog site has a new home page which bothers me for one very obvious reason. Click on this link, look to the bottom left of the screen (after all of the NY Pro teams are listed) and tell me if we as St. John's fans should not feel somewhat insulted.

 OK, maybe I am making a bigger deal out of this than I need to. The ZagsBlog site has a new home page which bothers me for one very obvious reason. Click on this link, look to the bottom left of the screen (after all of the NY Pro teams are listed) and tell me if we as St. John's fans should not feel somewhat insulted.


St. John's and Seton Hall have not partnered with the SNY.Blog Network. It is that simple.
 OK, maybe I am making a bigger deal out of this than I need to. The ZagsBlog site has a new home page which bothers me for one very obvious reason. Click on this link, look to the bottom left of the screen (after all of the NY Pro teams are listed) and tell me if we as St. John's fans should not feel somewhat insulted.


Ouch that's really bad
I had a feeling it was something related to that, which begs the question, why haven't they? Maybe SNY prefers the schools which also have the option of also giving them football programing.  
SNY struck a deal with UConn because they needed to get their station into CT. Cox Communications, one of the largest providers in CT did not carry SNY. Getting UConn forced their hand.
I can not speak to Rutgers and NY's upstate team.