Any utterance of race is a minefield. There can be no positive outcomes without frank discussion between black and non-black parties. However, the climate is such that dialogue is not only impossible but not appreciated. At a recent student forum, a black student organization invited a white student from Villanova who pledged a black fraternity to speak of his experiences as part of a panel. He was verbally attacked for even being there, and his response didnt navigate the minefield. The inviting student organization had to apologize for even inviting a white student to speak at a forum.for black students to speak about race relations on campus.
Unfortunately without dialogue, there will be no appreciable movement towards a campus where there is racial harmony. Even a single word or sentence received as racially insensitive can cost a president or university administrator his job.
Social media gives a powerful voice to anyone with a keyboard. So much posted is plain ignorant stupidity but in our divided and divisive environment an idiot can ignite passions far greater than their comments merit.
One way to improve relations on campuses is by individual students to end the self imposed isolation by ethnic, racial, or religious group and begin to make friends across all obvious boundaries. A campus really isn't diverse if students aggregate into homogenous communities of white, black, Asian,Latino or Christian, Muslim, Jewish.
When we interact with people that look different, we often discover what is the same, and learn about differences in a way that fosters understanding and personal growth. Biases begin to dissipate, and real relationships and improvements in a community can occur.
If only it was so simple