Yessir! I joined at the beginning of the season...I love to be a part of something AWESOME like this! Actually heading out to LA on 9:45AM Friday for the game against ASU...then flying back 7AM Saturday...should be interesting!
My buddy Dylan and I decided two years ago to go with these suits. If you notice in Carnesecca, the "student section" has traditionally been in Section 12. 5 Years ago, Dyl and I started going to games and sitting in Section 6 (right above the bench). We would get loud and be rowdy while other people in our section sat and would clap quietly to themselves when something big happened. Over the years, we realized that we could bring more friends to take up the first two rows behind the "Protect This House" UA sign...we could get loud (sometimes louder than Section 12). Last year I would go around to the students sitting and ask if they would stand - just for the second half. Most would oblige and it started there. Even this year for a couple early games, we would ask them to stand up for the second half (usually around halftime) because we did not want to be seen as forcing people to do something they didn't want to the entire game...Needless to say, I think that we are starting to get louder and louder each game. Students come into the section and see other students standing and immediately know what to do. Between the cheers and chants, the Student Section in Section 6 has gotten pretty strong!
I have always said, I will be one of the loudest people in the gym at every game, but in order to get the "fringe-fans" to be loud and in the game, we need to do some BIG things. Just like last night's game!
Always willing to have a conversation with you guys - really love this!