Game vs. ASU in LA 12/8/17


Well-known member
Sorry haven't posted in a long time but still around on twitter

Any members going?

If so anyone interested in a meetup?

Thanks Ted
Cell 909-767-3553
Shoot me a text

I think I'm working too late to pregame but I propose a halftime meet up for any posters from either site at the Goose Island stand outside section 108, that's close to wear the St Johns tix are per our FB chat. There's also some pretty good food options at Staples. Between games I'll likely go to BS Taqueria or Ludo Bird in the 117-119 area. Hope to see some of you Friday. Look for two big guys getting beer, that's Ted and I. ;)
I will be section 109 and look forward to meeting up with you guys. Getting downtown around 3 so I will be at Yard House before game.