Exclusive Catholic league never intended

Too bad.

Wouldn't it have been something to have a Catholic League, a Protestant League, A Muslim League, A Jewish League, An Agnostic League, An Atheist League, A Sublimely Indifferent League, etc., and really go at each other on behalf of our faith or lack thereof?
Too bad.

Wouldn't it have been something to have a Catholic League, a Protestant League, A Muslim League, A Jewish League, An Agnostic League, An Atheist League, A Sublimely Indifferent League, etc., and really go at each other on behalf of our faith or lack thereof?

:) :) :)
“@blauds: Mac commissioner rich Ensor moving top of big east comm list”
Too bad.

Wouldn't it have been something to have a Catholic League, a Protestant League, A Muslim League, A Jewish League, An Agnostic League, An Atheist League, A Sublimely Indifferent League, etc., and really go at each other on behalf of our faith or lack thereof?

I hereby nominate this post as one of the best posts of 2013! :lol: