ESPN Tourney Challenge

Apparently when I tried to change the password for this year it didn't take. The password is the same as last year:


I'm sure that'll go over big.
Just a final reminder that the brackets close at noon EST/9am PST tomorrow.
Yale trying to blow up my Redmen.Com bracket. Already lost two but I had neither the winner of those games getting past the second round.
As we enter FF weekend here's who is in the running for winning the annual bracket challenge:

If Oklahoma wins then its Jumbo Peanuts
If UNC wins then its AMaseinyourFace
If Nova wins or loses to Syracuse then its Section10
If Syracuse beats OK in the final then it's LJSA

See y'all next year.
As we enter FF weekend here's who is in the running for winning the annual bracket challenge:

If Oklahoma wins then its Jumbo Peanuts
If UNC wins then its AMaseinyourFace
If Nova wins or loses to Syracuse then its Section10
If Syracuse beats OK in the final then it's LJSA

See y'all next year.

Go Orange! :lol:
Big east prevails and Section10 wins

but if University No Class wins... ;)