I am disappointed that Sanchez, widely praised as having game by many and justifiably so, in my opinion, hasn't had anything run for him in the Post or, why haven't we fed him the ball down low or, at the Elbow? Even Sampson has to go get the ball out high if he wants to be in the offense and, then, too often opts for that Jumper, which needs much work before the NBA.
Jordan was the only pure passer on this team! Neither DLO or Greenie give up the rock much and it hurts our already CYO ISH OFFENSE. Branch has been not more than a role player and not on STEVE'S fav list.
The individual pieces on this squad are largely focused on the "I " factor and we all know there is no I in TEAM... As a Coach, you would think Lavin and braintrust would have sorted all this out in Europe or Exhibitions but, it appears not so.
I fear a mediocre season can result if the Ship not be righted darn soon! i want to be wrong on this assessment ..