Drake Served Cease & Desist Letter for UK Recruit Photo


Cal doing whatever pathetic steps it takes to win kids over. :silly: Don't like "Drake" at all but this was just comical.

According to a report released by Sporting News today, Kentucky was forced to send Drake a cease and desist letter after he took a photo with a recruit named Charles Matthews at the school's Big Blue Madness event last October. Apparently, the school claims it told Drake that he could not take any photos with recruits, seeing as how it would be considered an NCAA violation. But that didn't stop him from taking this shot with Matthews, who committed to Kentucky early last year but was still considered a recruit at the event:

The good news for Drake is that Kentucky self-reported the violation, and it's not a violation that will result in any hefty punishments. Drake's relationship with Kentucky and, in particular, head coach John Calipari is also so strong that we doubt this incident will have any lingering effects. But if Drake attends Big Blue Madness again this year, we wouldn't expect the school to let him anywhere near a camera.
Let's bring back Reverend Run and DMC for our Midnight Madness. Old School like Chris Mullin.