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Staff member
2023 $upporter 2022 $upporter Moderator
Hello teammates.

I am starting this thread, to remind all interested readers of this site, that although there is no membership fee to participate here, there are still significant costs to hosting and maintaining such a valuable platform.

Nearly all of the costs are borne by Paul Massell, the site owner. Over the years, several members have generously contributed to help defray those costs. I am asking you to donate what you can to help keep this site humming along providing valuable information and a forum for all to respectfully express their views.

Please note that your donation will not entitle you to any more rights and privileges than you now enjoy.

There is a $ encircled by a heart at the top of the screen to make your donation easy.

For those that can, THANKS in advance for your donations.

Go Johnnies!

I just went there and donated monthly. If you can donate to your church or synagogue, St. Jude's, T to T or any other monthly donation, you should donate something to this site which gives you so much enjoyment. $10 a month won't kill you.
Thank you for all you do, Paul.
Love this site?  Now that the basketball season is over for us, we move to our version of the Hot Stove, with recruitment, player (and coach) retention, transfer portal news, facilities updates, etc. at the forefront of discussions.
Please consider a donation to to help us (Paul) defray the costs and afford to keep the wheels turning.  Thanks in advance.
Just made my donation. Thanks Paul, and to all the mods, for all that you do to keep this site going!
Sju2420 post=464516 said:
With donations would we get a different web page layout? More updated?
Donations are not required and never have been.  Everyone gets updates.  I would welcome any feedback and suggestions for improvements.  Contact me directly and I will take any constructive criticism seriously and try to make it happen if it works for everyone.