Does It Matter Where You Go to College?

My sister and I (and my wife) all went to state schools and do fine. My brother went to an Ivy and the one difference he has is his Rolodex is full of very successful people.
If it's the right fit, many students will benefit, from a top tier university. Benefits may be economically or other. That said, It would be impossible to suggest all types of kids should benefit to the same degree.

On flip side, I remember Malcolm Gladwell's take that it might be better to be one of the top students at a less prestigious school vs. being middle to bottom of the pack at a top school.

This is worth a watch

[quote="gman" post=308056]My sister and I (and my wife) all went to state schools and do fine. My brother went to an Ivy and the one difference he has is his Rolodex is full of very successful people.[/quote]

That's the biggest benefit.