Dark on 9/11

beast of the east

Active member
I would have sent this as a PM, but wanted mods to be aware.

I miss redmen.com on 9/11, but I've always liked that we've honored it by shutting it down and putting up a banner.
Is there a reason why we are up today?

Thanks all. Never forget the thousands of victims, the hundreds of heroes who perished, and the thousands of cops, firemen, EMTs and rescue workers who risked their lives that day. God bless them all, and the family and friends who lost loved ones.

This year, for the first time, I visited the site of the World Trade Center, the museum, and the reflecting pool. For 19 years I felt I didn't have to go, because I had seen enough. Having visited, highly recommend as an important thing to do.
I believe many posters said they like the outlet to talk sports on this normally emotionally tough day.
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I won't weigh in on the decision to keep the site live today. I'm comfortable with either decision from Paul or the mods.

But I will take the opportunity to extend my thoughts and prayers for all those whose lives were directly affected on 9/11. It was an unforgettably terrible and tragic day, although followed by a remarkable show of the best that NYC, the US and the world can offer.

Here's to all my redmen.com brothers/sisters – lost, changed or still with us. Many all over the world will be thinking of you today.
Times passes and a lot of memories fade but that's a day I'll remember minute by minute everything. Nathalie ( we hadn't met yet ) was supposed to work at Windows on the World that night and had closed the restaurant the night of the 10th with another manager. 19 years later I'll still never remotely understand what they or anyone else was there or around there feel even the lucky ones. Time usually heals all wounds. Not for this one I think.

When you see a cop or fireman remember who runs in when people run out because it could be them one day
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