Absolutely devastating. Don't know how many on here are giants fans, but that hurt so bad to watch. For those who don't know victor Cruz went down with a season ending, and possibly a career ending, injury tonight in the loss to the eagles.
Some Philly radio guy tweeted "Victor Cruz is over. Dance to that" right after the injury happened. He has since deleted the tweet and claims he didn't see the injury when he tweeted that. Real nice.
I'm so infuriated and need to leave this area where I live. I can't take another moment surrounded by philidelphia fans I really can't. Feel so bad for victor Cruz and his family I will be praying for him.
Some Philly radio guy tweeted "Victor Cruz is over. Dance to that" right after the injury happened. He has since deleted the tweet and claims he didn't see the injury when he tweeted that. Real nice.
I'm so infuriated and need to leave this area where I live. I can't take another moment surrounded by philidelphia fans I really can't. Feel so bad for victor Cruz and his family I will be praying for him.