Ron or is it Metta is a pretty strange dude.
Here's confirmation of that:
Here's another one to add to the list of crazy stories from the "haunted" Skirvin Hilton Hotel in Oklahoma City: Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace said Sunday that he had been touched by ghosts "in the wrong places" the night before. Here's the full quote, via the Orange County Register's Mark Medina:
"The ghosts were all over me. I just accepted it," Lakers forward Metta World Peace said. "They touched me all over the place. I'm taking one of the ghosts to court for touching me in the wrong places."
World Peace insisted he was serious before explaining why he did not stay somewhere else.
"I was watching a good movie and I was tired," said World Peace, who incidentally said he saw "Money Monster." "I didn't want to move."