
I saw Coach Lavin in the studio audience today on LIVE with Kelly & Mike. He looked great and had that winning smile on.

The only reason he was on TV was that the woman next to him won the audience prize for the phone contest.
Why would he be in the audience?

Scouting Michael Strahan
Maybe he still has some eligibility left :)
Either Jim Harbaugh or his brother was just seen in the audience of a Judge Judy episode a week or 2 ago. Now that's pretty funny
Why would he be in the audience?

Scouting Michael Strahan
Maybe he still has some eligibility left :)
Either Jim Harbaugh or his brother was just seen in the audience of a Judge Judy episode a week or 2 ago. Now that's pretty funny
Maybe he just likes the show. Or maybe he heard a rumor that Seventh Woods would be there. :)
Why would he be in the audience?

Scouting Michael Strahan
Maybe he still has some eligibility left :)
Either Jim Harbaugh or his brother was just seen in the audience of a Judge Judy episode a week or 2 ago. Now that's pretty funny

I saw that, too
He was in the audience with his father
The camera caught them several times while laughing at Judge Judy's "jokes"
Btw, I read somewhere that Judge Judy makes in the neighborhood of $45M/yr from this gig - laughing all the way to the bank
I opened this thread hoping that Lavin was appearing as a contestant on Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. Disappointing.