Butler Sports Writer Apologizes To St. John's

He used to work for CBSsports.com. I liked his stuff, but a lot of people absolutely hated him.
Guys who sit behind desks and type about a game should remember that nearly all of them are the guy who didn't get chosen in pickup games in the schoolyard. IF his writing wasn't embarrassing enough he should subject himself to a game of horse vs. Chris Mullin, in front of a full house in our condemned building. He would likely reveal himself for the nerd he is.

Who the hell tweets 105,000 times anyways? What a loser.

I think criticism of coaches is fair. To some extent student athlete criticism (part of the territory of big time college sports) is fair as well, to a point. Although, putting down a kid (Ponds specifically) while viewing what, one St. John's game possibly two doesn't put the writer in position to assess how the kid performs. The larger point is the writer is in a better position to assess Butler's performance as I assume, he is in Indy he is much closer to the situation then he is to what is happening in Queen's New York. In other words, the writer should have stayed in his lane and now he looks the fool apology not withstanding.
Rematch at Carnesseca

Wednesday February 28 at 9pm on CBS SN.

You know what they say about Payback?