It's like we receive bits and pieces to the giant puzzle as to why we have not been a nationally relevant top 25 program on a consistent basis. I'll give Lav a pass obviously if he was bloating from meds, but dressing down, sitting on scorers tables, having a 25 year old as the in effect head coach, not recruiting nearly hard enough, taking entire recruiting cycles off, not modernizing and comfortizing (made that one up) facilities, players running for the hills, coach disputes, etc.
It just points to a culture of being unprofessional and not taking your job as seriously as you should in addition to a losing culture with minimal effort recruiting. I know I'm still a relatively new fan circa 2011, but I just don't hear these things about other programs. I realize it could obviously be since we spend so much time hyper-focused on SJ hoops vs. other programs, but still I doubt it.