Abolish #sjubb on Twitter


The #sjubb has ruined the SJU fan experience on Twitter, in my opinion. So many lies, bs stories that it's impossible to follow any more. Way too many pot stirrers with no actual source or information tilt our fans. Many of the characters on there seem to oddly get off on spreading knowingly false information, or just making things up on their own to generate likes and interactions. Once what was a good thing is now ruined by a bunch of losers likely living in their parents basement.

Rant over.
Twitter should be considered to be entertainment and speculation but not fact.
[quote="otis" post=394203]Twitter should be considered to be entertainment and speculation but not fact.[/quote]

I agree, but there was a time where #sjubb would be a source of information here and there, and rational conversation.
[quote="Chris7" post=394202]The #sjubb has ruined the SJU fan experience on Twitter, in my opinion. So many lies, bs stories that it's impossible to follow any more. Way too many pot stirrers with no actual source or information tilt our fans. Many of the characters on there seem to oddly get off on spreading knowingly false information, or just making things up on their own to generate likes and interactions. Once what was a good thing is now ruined by a bunch of losers likely living in their parents basement.

Cancel culture.

like others said i wouldn't get my news st john's or not from twitter.

Rant over.[/quote]
I'm confused. :huh:

I use twitter occasionally. I'm not well versed on it.
Isn't #SJUBB just a hash tag search? It's not an organized account. Any tweets with that hash tag are found.
Am I missing something? Why is this rant worthy?
I see a lot of speculation about recruiting Jordan Riley. I don't take any of it seriously. Anybody can write whatever they want and use a hash tag.
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