“Our Excellent Hoops Photographer”

Fantastic article. Couple other things about Wendell

1.Even though he does the photography at games he's part of our 114 crew

2. One of the nicest most humblest people anyone can possibly meet

3. Awesome friend

4. On literally 2 weeks notice he did the photography for our wedding and we wouldn't have it any other way. He was awesome and between him arriving at Oheka before even Nathalie so he could start figuring out in his mind what angles he wanted then to our wedding then reception he must have spent close to 12 hours there and countless hours and weeks after going through his pics and he wouldn't accept any $ for doing it and did absolutely amazing job
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What a great write-up!

So glad my wife & I got to meet Wendell during the Charleston trip. Was so friendly!

Love all his game day pics

Very cool about Oscar Holt mentoring you. I recall having him as a professor for a crim justice elective. His explanation on how he could defend someone who hew knew committed bad crimes still pops in my head.
I appreciate the kind words, all the things you guys have said I can easily say about each one of you. Now if only you guys can see the texts busting my chops that I am getting from my St. John's basketball text group...now that's some entertaining stuff ;)
This one from Bob “ brookjerseyred “ had me cracking up “ 🚾 The guy at the party who's always looking over your shoulder and around you to see if there's someone more important for him to talk to “
Wendell is one of those very rare guys that makes you feel good whenever you are in his presence. He is such a good man and gentle soul, with so much kindness and humility. He doesn't posture or brag about his professional success, and can only imagine how much of his being he brings to role as an attorney.

I really don't feel comfortable at all in large social gatherings, and upon arriving search frantically for familiar faces. At almost every event, Wendell will go out of his way to drop by and say hello and chat, sometimes calling my name across a room. Always great to see a good friend.

I'll share a very personal story that means a lot to my family. In 2022, my wife and I had to make a diificult decision to put a beloved long term family pet up for adoption due to an allergy. At some SJU event (Wendell is at just about every eveny I attend) I was chatting with Wendell about this. It turns out that not surprisingly Wendell is an animal lover, and over a few months, explored ways in which he and his wife could adopt this pet. When that became unlikely, he began to try to help us find someone great to take our pet. We eventually found a family member to adopt the pet but Wendell's kindness and caring cannot be overstated.

When I think about why I love St. John's so much, it's not about the operations of the university per se. The greatness of St. John's is all about terrific prople like Wendell, who by mere association and friendship make me very proud to be a Johnny.

As the saying goes, Wendell is the best if the best. Thank you Wendell.